
Entity Definition

Logical Name : WorkstationLocationAssignment
Physical Name : CO_ASGMT_WS_LCN

Record of a Workstation's assignment to a particular SellingLocation within the retail enterprise; includes a WorkstationNumber which (in combination with SellingLocationID) acts as an alternate key.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
WorkstationID (FK)(PK) The unique identifier for the WORKSTATION, typically the serial number. ID_WS Identity integer Workstation(AS_WS)
LocationID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the SellingLocation. ID_LCN Identity integer SellingLocation(LO_LCN_SL)
EffectiveDate (PK) The date from which this assignment applies DC_EF EffectiveDate date
WorkstationNumber An alternate key for the Workstation (while it is assigned to the SellingLocation) NU_WS Identity integer
ExpirationDate The date until which this assignment applies DC_EP ExpirationDate date


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SellingLocation is assigned WorkstationLocationAssignment
Workstation is assigned WorkstationLocationAssignment

Logical Views containing WorkstationLocationAssignment

Logical View
Logical 10100 - Enterprise - Locations Macro View
Logical 10120 - Enterprise - Location, WkStn, Operator, Till
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View
Logical 11130 - Worker - Access Control View